Thursday, December 21, 2023

Tauranga in the Night

-late at night I went to my front glass Conservatory door to check it was locked. I thought there might be standing just outside in the dark

-I said Who is it? and raised my hand. The reflection raised his arm too

-the dark figure was by my front door where Couriers left deliveries

-now maybe that refers to me

-Super Squad in All Star Comics that I ordered. Has the issue with the new body of Brainwave. I had a dream for several seconds recently comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. In the dream it was the Anti-Christ who looked like Liefeld. I realized later on the dream could come from a page in a 1985 Infinity Inc. comic where the son version of Brainwave is lying naked on female member Jade in a cave. Brainwave JR looked like Liefeld. He is Hank King JR. (King like my father might be Charles.) They were lying naked in a cave. I thought I once read in Revelations the mother of the Anti-Christ has a long and painful childbirth. About 1989 I was at the end of my Road in Yatton Park. I saw in the men's toilet there was an open men's magazine. It had a nude photo of a woman looking like New Teen Titans villain CHESHIRE. That I now realize might mean Anti CHRIST. In Titans comics Cheshire also had the name Jade. She was tall, maybe Asian with long black hair and maybe slutty armpit hairs and long nipples

-it was over half a year ago when I Posted the above. I had delivered some All-Star Comics. They arrived late that day. I had been thinking maybe Jesus Christ had messed up the order and caused them to be lost. There were only three late 1970s All-Star Comics issues with them when I had ordered 5. They were elderly late 1970s members of the Justice Society originally from WW2. I made the mistake of when I didn't need to LIE the Bin on the grass and crawled in to it. Like crawling in to a new body. Today the 22nd of May I was rearranging comics. I saw on the back of the pieces of card in the plastic bags were the other copies I was missing. Years ago when I thought the Anti-Christ might be my son I tried to give him

-the combined powers and weapons of the large DC Comics WW2 super-heroes team All-Star Squadron. Maybe set up in me

-a 'Tarpaulin'- a wrap around him for a long time in Hell to protect him from pain. I crawled in to the Bin

-I tipped up the RUBBISH BIN. And today when I was putting out the card in the rubbish I started to go to the mailbox. It looked like my RUBBISH Bin might have been pulled away from the curb at first. Maybe meaning the Earth turns to rubbish, closed, powerless stores and homes

All-Star Dictionary 2

All-Star Dictionary 2 

All-Star Dictionary 1

All-Star Dictionary 1 

***All-Stars 10

***All-Stars 10 

***All-Stars 9

***All-Stars 9 

***All-Stars 8

***All-Stars 8 

***All-Stars 7

***All-Stars 7 

***All-Stars 6

***All-Stars 6 

***All-Star 5

***All-Stars 5 

***All-Stars 4

***All-Stars 4 

***All-Stars 3

***All-Stars 3 

***All-Stars 2

***All-Stars 2 

***All-Stars 1

***All-Stars 1 

Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book

The earliest record of the rhyme is in Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book, published in 1744, which noted only the first four verses. The extended version given below was not printed until c. 1770.[1]

Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow,
with my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
with my little teeny eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood?
I, said the Fish,
With my little dish
I caught his blood.
Who'll make the shroud?
I, said the Beetle,
with my thread and needle,
I'll make the shroud.
Who'll dig his grave?
I, said the Owl,
with my pick and trowel,
I'll dig his grave.
Who'll be the parson?
I, said the Rook,
with my little book,
I'll be the parson.
Who'll be the clerk?
I, said the Lark,
if it's not in the dark,
I'll be the clerk.
Who'll carry the link?
I, said the Linnet,
I'll fetch it in a minute,
I'll carry the link.
Who'll be chief mourner?
I, said the Dove,
I mourn for my love,
I'll be chief mourner.
Who'll carry the coffin?
I, said the Kite,
if it's not through the night,
I'll carry the coffin.
Who'll bear the pall?
We, said the Wren,
both the cock and the hen,
We’ll bear the pall.
Who'll sing a psalm?
I, said the Thrush,
as she sat on a bush,
I'll sing a psalm.
Who'll toll the bell?
I, said the Bull,
because I can pull,
I'll toll the bell.
All the birds of the air
fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
when they heard the bell toll
for poor Cock Robin.


-recently I had a dream. Comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. The dream only lasted several seconds

-in the dream it was the Anti-Christ who looked like Liefeld

-so that may be saying I am the Anti-Christ

-maybe the dream was set up to put him in my body so one day I will look just like him

-he is my age but I mean when younger

-tall, good looking, brown hair, muscular, really muscular when his muscles are flexed


-in about 1975 at the end of our Street in paddocks in a ditch was lying the full skeleton of a man


-and LIE FELD like he was lying on me in my dream

-maybe that and the dream I had means I will one day look exactly like Liefeld did when he was younger

-he used to own EXTREME Comics. Like '666'. But that is probably to too reflect his personality

Rob Liefeld

Images of Rob Liefeld