Saturday, February 3, 2024


-when it is daylight and I might be in the Rob Liefeld version of me

-off Earth in a split that comes out of me

-about the year 2000 I went on a trip to the US

-one night in Washington DC

-I got lost three times. Once at each of three Washington DC Memorials or Monuments

-and I have a list of miracles I wanted to start. Based around in my current plans I set up 3 Universes. Each with partly different miracles

-it was strange that I got lost at each of three Memorials one night

-three times I got lost at Washington DC Memorials

-I try to use that to create my three Universes. Each with it's own miracles

-and start all three. At the very START of time. And these miracles for them. Each Universe with it's own designed miracles from the very start

-the miracles for each of them. Last until the year 2000 AD

-then the miracles are altered to new versions

-and from the very start of time. There are now three Universes. Instead of one Universe now three were created at the start of time

-and the buildings etc in them restores every 50 years

-plus straight from the very start of time when people die they go to a copy of my bedroom

-the three Universes' names and their Blogs they are on-

-Smallville Universe

-Campbelltown Universe

-Sanctuary Supreme Universe

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Rob Liefeld

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