Monday, January 22, 2024


-MAXWELL Drive I in this version have my Captain MARVEL powers. When I was very young living in Havelock North. The slide of me was taken of me standing showing all of me as a toddler fully naked. Me looking like Kyle Lowder. All along fighting crime wearing a white towel around my waist. Then we lived in James Cook Street. I saw a full skeleton of a man lying in a ditch in paddocks at the end of the Street. It's exposed bones. Like me naked again. The Skeleton like Skeletor the main villain in Masters of the Universe. In my Rob LIEFELD body. Like the skeleton was LYING in the ditch in the FIELD. And as Liefeld I wear the He-Man costume from the 1987 film Masters of the Universe. I might have had the splits of me looking like Liefeld and Lowder coming out of me since the slide was taken of me about 1970. So I might have had the power to almost anything I want as Liefeld. Effect all of space. Except for maybe Heaven and Hell, and Earth. All along. With that I have been shaping space any way I want to all along. So there is no more need for me to come up with a date to start my miracles for each of the three Universes. I probably did them any way I wanted long ago. I might have seen these Blogs through both of them. To explain what was going on. And as well as fighting crime. I do miracles. And with my powers find suitable males, married females, even young boys. To have sex with them usually getting them pregnant. Sometimes forcing me on them etc for more fun. I might have started to be both these super-heroes. From the point the slide was taken of me naked. I was in my Birthday Suit. Maybe I was created at the point the slide was taken. I might have these two splits of me come out of me until the day I die. The skeleton in the ditch at the end of my next address. So I maybe I do all the things I said I would. From my birth date to when I die. Our second address was James Cook Street. He was the Ship's Captain who first charted New Zealand. Maybe saying I design space from my birth to death. Our address 12 James Cook Street. A Ship's Captain as in LAKE. And James COOK. I live until Hell changes to a LAKE of FIRE. I met my father in the dark toilet of the Movies for The Towering Inferno. A younger Maori boy held up a FLAME. I encountered my mother at a Park toilet. There was an open adult men's magazine in the WATER of the toilet tray. FLAME and WATER. Maybe I live until the LAKE of FIRE

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